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The park level from Felonious Fowls

Felonious fowls

A game where your instincts are a curse as well as a blessing. You are a pigeon, who has gotten fed up with how you're treated and are seeking revenge; but also food. Light stuff on fire, but do keep an eye out for sources of nutrition: they can be attractive, and give you precious nutrients, but sometimes it is best to avoid them...if you can.



The concept

A timed puzzle game made in Unity, where you have one goal: make sure everything burns!

Sounds simple enough, but you might be surprised how hard it is to play with fire without getting burnt. 


Use items you pick up in the level to bridge gaps that might arise, or increase your efficiency. At the end of the day, performance is based on the score you get at the end. You can boost this by lighting multiple objects in quick succession, as well as by keeping the fire spreading. 


Keep an eye out for any danger. You can get burnt, of course, but there might be other trouble waiting for you. You can hide in bushes and behind objects to break line of sight. This can also come in handy when you want to avoid succumbing to your instincts.




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